PHC Renovation/Upgrade

The Oyo state government in March 2021 started the upgrade and building on one (1) category three (3) thirteen (13) room Primary Healthcare Center (PHC) per ward in the state. We have three hundred and fifty-one (351) wards in Oyo state. All hands are on deck to complete the three hundred and fifty-one (351) PHCs by May 2022 to give our communities access to conducive healthcare centers. About two hundred and twenty (220) have been completed already.

Infrastructural upgrade

Some infrastructural upgrades in our hospitals done by the Oyo state Government and partners to improve the healthcare of our patients, especially our mothers and children.

Laboratory at Ring Road State Hospital (RRSH)

The Emergency Unit at Ring Road (RRSH) recently moved into an upgraded unit

Reproductive Cancers and Screening

In order to diagnose and treat reproductive cancers; equipment such as coloscopy, mammogram, four (4) Dimension ultrasound, and CT scanner were purchased by Oyo state. Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) and APIN Public Health initiatives also donated thermal ablator machines and leep machines to support the ongoing cervical screening and treatment program.

Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening/Treatment Project

The Tomotiya Initiative with multiple health partners commemorated the World Cancer Day. This strategy leveraged the influence of the various state and community leaders to sensitize and encourage their communities to screen routinely and adopt healthy lifestyles. A total of one thousand and twelve (1012) women were screened during the exercise.

Another breast and cervical cancer screening program was successfully conducted at the Oyo State Secretariat Clinic where female civil servants in the state were screened for breast and cervical cancer.

Results from the screening at the Oyo State Secretariat Clinic were reviewed by an expert at the Adeoyo Maternity Teaching Hospital. Biopsy samples were collected and those that required treatment with thermal ablator were treated instantly.

Oyo State Every Newborn Action Plan (SENAP)

A document, SENAP (State Every Newborn Action Plan) has been adapted from NiENAP (Nigeria Every Newborn Plan) aimed to attain a major milestone to end preventable newborn deaths and stillbirths. The document was validated and finalized from 2nd to 4th August, 2021.

Birth Asphyxia Quality Improvement Project

A quality improvement project to improve the prevention and treatment of birth asphyxia commenced in January, 2021. Birth asphyxia is a condition in which a baby does not receive enough oxygen before, during, or directly after birth. A pilot project was conducted at Adeoyo Maternity Teaching Hospital with significant improvement in new born outcomes and has been scaled up to three (3) other facilities namely; State Hospital Oyo, General Hospital Iseyin and General Hospital Okeho.

Other related activities to maternal health in the state

Malaria Net Campaign

The Insecticide Treated Net (ITN) campaign was funded in collaboration of the USAID through the US Presidential Malaria Initiative (PMI). The malaria net campaign flag off was held at the International Conference Centre, University of Ibadan on the 16th of August, 2021. Insecticide treated nets were distributed in all the thirty-three (33) local governments from 30th July to 26th August, 2021.

A Global Fund grant awarded to Oyo state in 2020 to procure equipment for the fight against COVID-19 at the community level. The equipment was distributed strategically to ten (10) hospitals across the Oyo state to give easy access to communities for diagnosis and stabilization. The grant was  implemented through the National Agency for the Control of Aids (NACA) and procured equipment such as donated the Oxygen concentrators, patient monitor with and without EKG, Ventilators, infrared thermometers, clinical thermometers, Reusable Pulse Oximeters, End tidal CO2 Monitors, C-PAP/BI PAP, Infusion pumps, Manual laryngoscope sets, Intraosseous guns and needles, Urometers, External pace maker with pads, Ultrasound machines, Mobile Xray Machine, De-fibrilators,  Echo-cardiograms, Neibulizers, Doppler Machines, i-STAT machines, Blood bank refrigerators, Remote Monitors for home monitoring, Dialysis Machine, Solar refrigerators, Incinerators, Knap sack Sprayers and Autoclaves.